Wednesday 9 July 2014

Why online RSA courses are needed

There are a lot of people in Queensland who question the efficacy or requirement of online RSA courses, as they tend to feel that the courses prove to be useless. If you have similar concerns related to Responsible Service of Alcohol courses, then this article is just for you. Read the next few paragraphs to understand why it is important for people working in the alcohol selling and serving industry to take up such a course.

If you take a look at the number of people who consume on a regular or occasional basis around the world, you will find that around 20% of the human population (which is around 2 billion) consumes it. Of those 2 billion, more than 30% suffer from alcohol addiction and abuse problems. As far as the number of deaths is concerned, 1.8 million people die due to alcohol consumption every single year. In addition, alcohol consumption also increases the likelihood of crimes to a significant extent and lead to crimes such as theft, murders, rapes, etc.

All these figures and facts are reasons enough to elaborate how much harm alcohol does to our society and planet as a whole. It is a given fact that alcohol consumption is nothing but a form of legalized recreational drug that Governments have allowed just to fatten then revenues. However, even though the governments cannot control its consumption, they can at least restrict the excessive drinking needs and habits which appear to be growing with each passing year. And this is where the role of online RSA courses comes into play. These courses have been designed particularly for the people involved in the selling, retailing or serving of alcohol business so that they can keep the usage of such drinks in control and prevent the occurrences of crimes and other heinous acts to a bare minimum.

Some of the recent stats suggest that more than 40% of alcohol consumption takes place outside residential premises. This means that not only the alcohol consumer but also the ones serving such drinks should be examined. However, the issue is more complicated than what it appears from the outside. Servers are employees of restaurants and bars who are under constant pressure to increase the sales to the highest possible extent. So it is not at all easy for them to enforce the so called RSA guidelines as they face the risk of being fired. Therefore, it is not just the responsibility of particular category of people but the society as a whole to ensure that consumption of alcohol is kept under control to prevent the occurrence of such menaces, not just in QLD but around the world.

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